a.a. 2018-2019

Events, seminars and activities related to Korean Studies in the A.Y. 2018-2019


  • October 2018: MOU agreement with Soon Chun Hyang University
  • 26 October 2018: Festival Specchi (San Gimignano) - Conference on the translation of 4 languages (Russian, French, Chinese and Korean): Promoting Korean Literature with the translation (Prof. Jung)
  • 29 October 2018: Essay Contest Award Ceremony in collaboration with LTI Korea and University of Napoli L’Orientale
  • 21 ~ 24 November 2018: International Conference for young researchers ‘Parola’, University for Foreigners of Siena – Paper on Neologism of Korean Language and society (Prof. Jung)
  • November 2018: Publication of the Handbook of Korean Language and linguistics (Prof. Jung) by Mimesis Publishing of Milano – Incubation of Korean Studies in Italy, project promoted by Academy of Korean Studies (2013-2016)
  • 11 December 2018: Presentation of the Handbook of Korean Language and linguistics (Prof. Jung) – Participation of Prof. Pietro Cataldi (Rector), Prof. Massimo Palermo (Dean of the Department), Prof. Antonetta Lucia Bruno (La Sapienza)
  • January-September 2019: Tandem Language Exchange program between Korean students of Italian language (CLUSS center) and Italian students of Korean language (BA students)
  • 17 January 2019: Seminar on Korean History between the students of the Department of History of Ewha Womans University and the students of the University for Foreigners of Siena – Participation of Prof. Beatrice Garzelli (Dir CLASS Center of Unistrasi), Prof. Roh Kyungduk (Ewha), Prof. Nam Jongkook (Ewha)
  • 31 January 2019: Workshop on Global Latin, Latin texts in Asia – Session of Korea: Prof. Ahn Jae Won (Seoul National University), On Parvum Vocabolarium Latino-Coreanum, in collaboration with I Deug-su Comparative Studies Center of University of Siena
  • 10 March 2019: Seminar on History of Choson period with Korean Film <Masquerade>
  • 17 March 2019: Cinema Sprint: Short film in 11 languages (Korean short film)
  • 8 April: Korean cultural day/ First edition in collaboration with Korean Cultural Institute of Rome – Special participation of Director Oh Choongsuk (Korean Cultural Institute of Rome) and honorary consul Riccardo Gelli (Embassy of Rep. of Korea, Firenze)
  • 10 April 2019: Participation of the realization of a short film for CLASS center (Unistrasi) for the promotion of all the languages learned at Unistrasi – During a Korean language class (Level 1)
  • 11 ~ 14 April 2019: Participation at the 29th AKSE Conference 2019 (The Association of Korean Studies in Europe), University of Rome La Sapienza – Official meeting with Yoong-hee Jo, Director of Center for International Affairs (AKS), Byung-yong Choi, Head, Program Planning Division, Korean Studies Promotion Service (AKS) and Ms. Chanmin Bae, Digital Library of Korean Literature (LTI Korea)
  • 22 May 2019: Notte della poesia (Night of Poetry) – Reading of Korean Poetry (Dejsi Hyskaj: Kim Sowol, Chris Montomoli: Yun Tongju)
  • 26 May ~ 1 June 2019: NAFSA (Association of International Educators) Annual Conference, Philadelphia, USA (Elisabetta Carli): Meeting with Korean Universities (Kyungsung, Kookmin, Ewha, Sogang, Sungkyunkwan, Chungang, Kyunghee, Soon Chun Hyang University)
  • 3 ~ 7 June 2019: Workshop/ Erasmus+ – Global Communication in Korean, Korean Studies at Palacky University Olomouc, Czech Republic – Special lecturers of Prof. Jung for students from Olomouc and Cracow (Poland)
  • 13 ~ 15 June 2019: Conference AICLU (International Association of Language Centers), University Roma Tre – Presentation on the Development of Listening skill using the multimedia such as K-drama and KBS web drama (Prof. Jung)
  • 18 May ~ 16 June 2019: Second Edition of Exhibitions of Contemporary artists KOSI (Korea-Siena), in collaboration with Korean Ceramics Foundation, Complex San Marco (Siena)
  • May ~ June 2019: Selection of a new lecturer of Korean language for the academic year 2019-2020 (Moon Hee Sun)
  • June 2019: MOU agreement with Ewha Womans University
  • June 2019: Agreement - Training activities Agreement between the University and Public Diplomacy Corps Sayul – Internship program for students
  • 2-5 June 2019: Lectures for Polish (Cracow) and Czech students (Olomouc), who participated at the Summer School in Korean Language, Palacky University Olomouc, Czech Republic
  • 16-20 July 2019: First Edition of International Summer school ‘Training course on Korean Studies’ (Speakers: Andreas Schirmer - Palacky University, Andrea De Benedittis - University of Napoli, Ii Sangyeob - HUFS, Imsuk Jung - Università per Stranieri di Siena)
  • 5-6 August 2019: Prof. Imsuk Jung invited at One Asia Convention Seoul 2019 “Education and Peace” (Lotte Hotel, Seoul), One Asia Foundation (Tokyo) - Konkuk University
  • 27-31 August 2019: Korea Culture Festival, organized by Karen Salliant, the founder of Opera Theater of Philadelphia, in collaboration with the city of Città della Pieve – Participation of Unistrasi (Hanbok parade, Arirang song, Korean food, Korean music, Opera of the story of Shimchung)
  • August-September 2019: Mission in Korea – Presentation of the UNISTRASI for Korean students interested at the International Exchange Program visiting the following universities and institutions: Sogang University, Ewha University, Hanyang University, Kookmin University, Kyunghee University, Soon Chun Hyang Univeristy, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, LTI Korean, King Sejong Institute Foundation.

CONTATTI: studicoreani@unistrasi.it