a.a. 2019-2020

Events, seminars and activities expected for the courses of Korean Language and Literature in the A.Y. 2019-2020


  • 12-14 September 2019: Conference of Punctuations on various languages – Contrastive analysis between Korean and Italian (Prof. Jung), with the participation of Prof. Ii Sangyeob
  • October 2019: Special Korean lesson by prof. Imsuk Jung and prof. Heesun Moon for a blind student enrolled at BA degree course
  • October 2019: Essay Contest Award Ceremony in collaboration with LTI Korea, University of Napoli L’Orientale, University of Venice Ca’ Foscari and University of Roma La Sapienza
  • October 2019: Workshop on Korean Comics (with the participation of the Korean illustrator and cartoonist Yu Dori) in collaboration with Jacopo Costa Buranelli, J-pop Editor of Milano
  • 11-15 November 2019: Samulnori lessons for students in collaboration with Korean Cultural Institute and National Center for Korean Traditional Perfoming Arts
  • December 2019: Publication of the translation - Donne di Choson (옛 여인에 빠지다) written by Cho Hyeran, Mimesis - LTI Korea, Milano (Prof. Jung)
  • 29 January 2020: International Language Evening at the Siena International School – Participation of students of Unistrasi for the promotion of Korea and Korean language courses
  • February 2020: Introduction of Topik (Test of Proficiency in Korean), NIIED
  • 6-7 March 2020: Davis Cup 2020 – Participation of Davide Tognaccini, student of Korean language course as interpreter for the Korean delegation, Cagliari, Italy
  • March-May 2020: The seminar of One Asia Community would be organized by prof. Jung with the aim to enhance the Asian studies in collaboration of One Asia Foundation of Tokyo – 15 classes will be hold by the scholars, the experts of Asian Studies and the president of One Asia Foundation (Postponed to October 2020)
  • March-September 2020: Tandem, Language Exchange Program in collaboration with prof. Laura Turato of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies and Prof. Vincenzo Campitelli of Busan University of Foreign Studies
  • March-September 2020: Korean Literature Essay Contest 2020 in collaboration with LTI Korea
  • May 2020: Mese della poesia (Month of Poetry) – Reading of Korean Poetry (Dejsi Hyskaj, Lee Youngbin: Poem of Kim Namju)
  • 11 July 2020: First edition of TOPIK, certification of Korean Language
  • 13-18 July 2020: Second Edition of International Summer School ‘Training course on Korean Studies’ Online
  • September 2020: Essay Contest Award Ceremony in collaboration with LTI Korea, University of Napoli L’Orientale, University of Venice Ca’ Foscari and University of Roma La Sapienza: Park Mingyu <Pavana per una principessa defunta> (Unistrasi)
  • Plan for the visit at Korean Cultural Institute of Rome – 50 students of Unistrasi in occasion of the Korean Alphabet Hangul Day (postponed to 2021)
  • Workshop of translation for students in collaboration with LTI Korea: Translating Korean short novel – Too Bright outside for Love of Kim Keum Hee. About 30 students are participating for the translation and on November the workshop online will be organized inviting Kim Keum Hee and the translation of students is expected to be published.

CONTATTI: studicoreani@unistrasi.it