a.a. 2020-2021

Events, seminars and activities related to Korean Studies in the A.Y. 2020-2021


  • January 2021: Double Degree – MA Level of Korean Studies and Korean Language Education – Busan University of Foreign Studies
  • January 2021: MOU for Exchange Students – Kookmin University
  • February 2021: Korean language special lecture for high school students (250 participants). Prof. Imsuk Jung and 7 students of Master course organized an official meeting for high school students interested to study Korean starting from September 2021
  • Februray-April 2021: Seminars of Asian Studies
  • February 2021: Application for Translation – Poems of Kim Sowol (LTI Korea, Orientalia Editor of Roma)
  • 17 February 2021: Meeting with Korea Foundation (Ref. Kim Inae, Korean Studies Department)
  • 12 March 2021: Meeting with Chungbuk National University (Ref. Cho Yoanna/ Elisabetta Carli) for MOU agreement and further collaboration
  • March 2021: 36 students selected for Exchange program 2021-2022 (Soonchunhyang, Ewha, HUFS, BUFS, Kookmin, Kyunghee University)
  • April 2021: Selection of 5 students for Double Degree program (BUFS)
  • April 2021: Proposal of publication edited by the organizers of Asian Community and Europe Project (directed by Imsuk Jung) within December 2021. The publication will contain the texts of the lectures, with an abstract in the language of the lecturer and its translation in English. The volume will be the first publication of the scientific series "Testi e scritture del mondo" (lit. Texts and writings of the world), edited by the Department of Humanities of the University of Siena for Foreigners, Italy.
  • 10 April: TOPIK Exam – 60 candidates
  • 12-17 July 2021: Third Edition of Korean Summer School

Asian Community and Europe (25 February - 30 April 2021)

Università per Stranieri di Siena – Eurasia Foundation from Asia (Tokyo)

25 February 2021, Francesco Stella: Studi latini in Asia
19 March 2021, Youen Kim: Current situation and prospects of Asian Integration
19 March 2021, Giuseppina Aurora Testa: Statuaria lignea buddhista nelle sue evoluzioni iconografiche attraverso l'Asia, dal continente al Giappone
26 March 2021, Antonio José Doménech: Korean Women Shaman (mudang): Identities under construction
9 April 2021, Federico Masini: Cultural relations between China and Italy across the ages
9 April 2021, Guodong Yan: Cultural relations between China and Russia and Chinese Russian studies 
16 April 2021, Vincenzo Campitelli: Via Orientalis, Orizzonti professionali nel mercato del lavoro in Asia Orientale – Formazione accademica e prospettive occupazionali a confronto 
21 April 2021, Raj Rahul: Rules of Asian Community in the global context
23 April 2021, Joon-kon Chung: Why Asian Community today is necessary
30 April 2021, Sato Yoji: History and the project of One Asia Foundation

Francesco Stella, University of Siena, Italy
Youen Kim: Hanyang University, Republic of Korea
Giuseppina Aurora Testa: University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy
Joon-kon Chung, Eurasia Foundation, Japan
Antonio José Doménech: Malaga University, Spain
Federico Masini: University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy
Guodong Yan, Nankai University of Tianjin, China
Vincenzo Campitelli: Busan University of Foreign studies, Republic of Korea
Rahul Raj: Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
Sato Yoji, Eurasia Foundation, Japan

Imsuk Jung (Korean studies/ Referente del progetto): imsuk@unistrasi.it
Anna Di Toro (Chinese studies): ditoro@unistrasi.it
Mauro Crocenzi (Chinese studies): crocenzi@unistrasi.it
Maria Gioia Vienna (Japanese studies): vienna@unistrasi.it

CONTATTI: studicoreani@unistrasi.it